Business News

New funding program will see more local food products being produced in Northern Ontario

April 24, 2014: New funding initiative announced today for local food and agricultural producers in Northern Ontario. The Sustainable New Agricultural Products, (SNAP) Program, will provide farmers or agri-food businesses up to $5,000 toward the purchase of equipment to create new agriculture or food products.

The $290,000 in funding for the SNAP Program, provided by the Northern Ontario Development Program through FedNor and Industry Canada, will be administered by a group of organizations from across the north. The Rural Agri-Innovation Network in Sault Ste. Marie, Eat Local Sudbury Cooperative in Sudbury, Northeast Community Network (NeCN) in Kapuskasing, and Clover Valley Farmers’ Market in Fort Frances are regionally administering the program, fielding applications and encouraging local food and agricultural producers to apply for funding.

“In Northern Ontario, many agriculture and food businesses have difficulty funding equipment purchases for value-added processing. The SNAP Program will provide funding to support this need, and result in more agriculture and food products being produced in the north,” said Errol Caldwell, Co-Chair, Rural Agri-Innovation Network.

The SNAP Program will be accepting applications from April 24th, 2014 through to September 1st, 2014. Applications will be reviewed continuously during this period, to ensure equipment purchases can be made in time for the upcoming growing season.

“We understand this is a busy time of year for farmers and agricultural businesses, but the SNAP Program is a great opportunity to purchase equipment for the growing season that can increase business and sales,” explained Peggy Baillie, Managing Director, Eat Local Sudbury Cooperative.
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