City Hall

Tom Davies Square

News from City Hall

Development Charges Open House and Public Meeting

The City of Greater Sudbury is advising that the proposed 2014 development charges by-law and draft background study are now available for viewing online and at Citizen Service Centres.

Development Charges are levied against new residential and non-residential development, and are a source of funding to recover growth-related capital expenditures. City services include water, wastewater, roads, drains, police and public safety, general government, libraries, cemeteries, fire, recreation, emergency services and transit.

A report from the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer is available online and will be presented to City Council on April 29, 2014.

The City is providing various avenues for residents to review the proposed by-law and draft background study as well as to provide input:

• Residents are invited to attend a Public Open House on Thursday, April 24, 2014 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Foyer of Tom Davies Square in Sudbury. Staff will be on hand to answer questions and receive input from residents.

• A Public Input Meeting will be held as part of the Finance and Administration Committee meeting on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 in the Council Chamber of Tom Davies Square. Those wishing to present are asked to preregister with Clerks Services by calling 705-674-4455 ext. 2471.

• Public input is being accepted in paper form and online. The online form can be found at Paper forms are also available for download or can be picked up at or any Citizen Service Centre.

All written comments should be submitted no later than Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. All submissions received in writing and those opinions expressed at the Public Input Meeting will be considered prior to Council’s decision, which is anticipated during the City Council meeting of June 10 or 24, 2014.

The attached backgrounder will provide further information on the proposed 2014 development charges by-law and rates.
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