Community News

Brain Injury Group and HSN Promote Helmet Safety

“Hey bonehead, wear a helmet!” That was the message delivered today at the Minnow Lake Outdoor Skate Park by the Brain Injury Association Sudbury and District (BIASD) and the Emergency Department at Health Sciences North/Horizon Santé-Nord (HSN).

Both organizations teamed up to promote BIASD’s “Helmet Awareness Campaign.”

The community-based non-profit group created the campaign to raise awareness about brain injuries and to encourage the use of helmets. The campaign, in partnership with local businesses, is providing $15.00 vouchers to go towards the purchase of any helmet.

Established in 1995, the organization has been actively involved in the Greater Sudbury community to help educate individuals about injury prevention, as well as develop educational programs about safety, survivor support, and brain injury.

“Brain injuries are the leading cause of death and disability for Canadians under the age of 35, and Sudburians have a higher number of brain injuries than the provincial average,” says Sean Parsons, President and Chair Executive of BIASD. “As a father of two young children, it’s important to me that people are aware of some of the steps they can take to prevent injuries not only to themselves, but to others as well.”

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Representing HSN at the event was Dr. Lee Toner, an Emergency Department physician, and Crystal Pitfield, Manager of the ED.

"If you are going to cycle, why not wear a bike helmet? Something this simple can greatly reduce your chances of getting seriously injured in an accident. Research has shown that a properly worn bike helmet decreases the chances of head injuries by 88% and of facial injuries by about 65%," says Dr. Toner.

“As June is Brain Injury Awareness Month, we would like to remind people of what the Brain Injury Association Sudbury & District is striving to accomplish,” adds Parsons, “This issue is especially pertinent now that schools are closing and summer is underway.”

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Categories: Greater Subury, Community News, HealthNumber of views: 2009


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