Olivier has announces he will run as an independent

Andrew Olivier has announced that he will run as an independent  in the upcoming provincial by-election.

Olivier's media release:

Good evening and thank you all for coming. I’d like to make an announcement. Bonjour a tous et merci d’être venus ce soir. Je veux prendre un moment pour une annonce.

Over the past 7 months, much has happened on my journey to serve Sudbury as its Member of Provincial Parliament. I have encountered many obstacles on the way, but I have always maintained the attitude that Sudbury comes first, and that I want to do what is best for my community. I’ve always said “Sudbury needs a strong voice in Queen’s Park” and that voice needs to be one of integrity, loyalty, and transparency.

I still want to be that voice while supporting my centrist values and the best interests of Sudbury and Sudburians first and foremost. That is why I have invited you here today, a monumental day in my life: January 5th… the day of my 36th birthday and 21 years since my life changing accident that left me as a quadriplegic. Voila pourquoi je vous ai invites aujourd’hui. C`est un jour important pour moi. Je célèbre aujourd’hui mon 36e anniversaire de naissance et je marque 21 ans depuis qu’un accident m’a laissé en fauteuil roulant.

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I am here to announce that I will be running as an Independent candidate in the upcoming provincial by-election for Sudbury. Je vous annonce que je me présente comme candidat indépendant en vue de l’élection partielle qui aura lieu bientôt à Sudbury afin de choisir un député provincial.

I have had overwhelming support from honest Sudburians who truly believe that we deserve a candidate who will be open, loyal, and committed without the constraints of Toronto based party pressure. Sudbury has a right to choose an MPP who lives by loyalty, integrity and openness. Who is a proven fighter and advocate for the needs of our community. Who will not be silenced by back room dealers or king makers. Who will always support Sudbury and never turn his back on his community. It has been made clear to me and Sudburians that Toronto has been making the choices for Sudbury. I say that the people of Sudbury should make the decisions for our community – Not Toronto.

Change is here, we have new blood in city council and we cannot stop there. For the first time ever, Sudbury lacks both federal and provincial representation… two NDP representatives have departed their seats in less than 2 months leaving us unheard and unrepresented in either our provincial or federal capital. We need that voice back. I will commit myself fully to making sure our needs are heard in Queen’s Park.

A strong message needs to be sent to Toronto – we will not be bullied, we will not be bought. The needs of our community will not be bargained away for stature, opportunism or personal gain. Nous devins envoyer un message clair à Toronto – Sudbury ne sera pas acheté. Nous ne négocierons pas notre avenir contre des positions opportunistes ou un gain personnel.

Like most challenges in my life, this will not be an easy one. I will need help and support from everyone who believes that Sudbury – not Toronto – should choose its representative … that we know what is best for Sudbury. I will need your help to Keep Sudbury Strong. I will need your help to contend with these big machines with big wallets. The powers that be will come here with money and people to push their Toronto based platforms and false promises, with no interest in what Sudbury actually needs.

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We have an opportunity to change how politics is done, to change party perceptions of our city, and most importantly, to take hold of our city’s future. But I will need your help. I will only make one promise this election: I promise that as an independent, every decision made, every bill supported will be in the best interest of Sudbury and its constituents. Sudbury needs change! Together, let’s make the decision ours!

Thank you. Merci.

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