Greater Sudbury Transit Fare Increase Effective March 1, 2015

Augmentation des tarifs du Transit du Grand Sudbury à compter du 1er mars 2015

Greater Sudbury Transit fares will increase on March 1 in accordance with By-law 2015-8 to Establish Miscellaneous User Fees. The fare increase will help maintain customer service, facilities and equipment, while matching rising operating costs and continued improvements to the public transit system.
Cash fares for adults and students will increase 10 cents to $3.00 and five cents to $2.20 for children age 5 plus, older adults age 55 plus and those who qualify for discounted “special” fares through receipt of disability pensions or support programs. Children age 4 and under ride free of charge.
Five Ride Cards will be $12 for adults and students and $9 for children, older adults and special discount fares. Ten Ride Cards will be $24 for adults/students and $18 for children, older adults and special fares, an increase of between 10 and 15 cents per ride.
A 31 Day Pass will increase to $82 for adults, $76 for students and $49 for children, older adults and special fares, up $2 for adults/students and $1 for children, older adults and special fares.


Les tarifs du Transit du Grand Sudbury augmenteront à compter du 1er mars 2015 conformément au Règlement 2015-8 sur les frais d’utilisation divers. L’augmentation des tarifs nous permet de maintenir le service à la clientèle et entretenir les installations et l’équipement tout en alignant la hausse des coûts d’exploitation et l’amélioration continue du service de transport en commun.

Les tarifs comptants augmenteront de dix cents pour adultes et étudiants et de cinq cents pour les enfants de 5 ans et plus, les personnes âgées de 55 ans et plus et les bénéficiaires d'une pension d'invalidité (tarif spécial). Les tarifs comptants seront donc les suivants : 3 $ pour les adultes et les étudiants et 2,20 $ pour les enfants, les aînés, ainsi que pour les bénéficiaires d'une pension d’invalidité. Le passage des enfants de quatre ans et moins est gratuit.

Le prix des cartes de cinq trajets augmentera de dix cents à 12 $ pour les adultes et étudiants et à 9 $ pour les enfants, les aînés et les bénéficiaires d'une pension d’invalidité. Le prix des cartes de dix trajets augmentera de quinze cents à 24 $ pour les adultes et étudiants et à 18 $ pour les enfants, les aînés et les bénéficiaires d'une pension d’invalidité.

Le prix des laissez-passer mensuels sera de 82 $ pour les adultes et de 76 $ pour les étudiants, soit une augmentation de 2,00 $. Le prix des laissez-passer mensuels sera de 49 $ pour les enfants, les aînés et les bénéficiaires d'une pension d'invalidité, ce qui représente une augmentation de 1,00 $.

Northern Internet Solution
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7 comments on article "Greater Sudbury Transit Fare Increase Effective March 1, 2015"

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2/27/2015 5:48 PM

So if the fare is going on we should be able to use our transfers longer it'll only make sense

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adam read

2/27/2015 6:30 PM

You all better start making transfer have an extended time limit like 2-3 hours, and you better start making transfers acceptable from any location, this is getting ridiculous...

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2/27/2015 9:48 PM

really ? Why doesn't the city just buy everyone cars ? The bus is supposed to be affordable! This is unfair to seniors, single parents student and everyone! I understand there is inflation but come on ! I sometimes have to take the bus up to 3-4 times a day.. How about the city takes our first born too ? SMH.. And improve your bus routes If your going to take our money at least make it worth it !

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2/28/2015 7:59 AM

seriously? raising the bus fare? that is complete and utterly ridiculous. The transit fare in sudbury is equivalent or higher than big city bus fare. the difference being that larger cities have busing services 24 hours and at convenient intervals unlike sudbury city transit. And while i realize that the price of fuel to operate the buses has increased, i would like to see the actual costs of running the transit system. This is a joke

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2/28/2015 12:48 PM

Our bus system really needs improvement. We need a way for the company to let us know when buses are running late. I stood outside in the freezing cold with my two young kids (both under 3) for an hour waiting for the bus. They were freezing! This is ridiculous!!! They need to provide better services. I know in Barrie the bus passes last all day. Not less then half hour-45 minutes.

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2/28/2015 7:28 PM

Buses r always running off scheduled departure. Kathleen bus for example has left about 10 min late for the past few weeks.

The schedule is horrible on Sundays. On a every day schedule the bus stops running at like 1-1:30am I Finnish work at 2am like many others i half to walk across town to go home after a 9-10 hour shift. . also drinking n driving may lower if they do a last ride after last call n save lives witch is priceless. If u raise the cost the the bar for quality should be raised also I agree with longer time for transfers.

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3/1/2015 7:47 PM

At this rate u guys should be running 24 hours a day then and transfers be ok to use anywhere and last at least 2 hours.

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