Community News

Letters: Maley Drive Extension - An Open Letter to Sudbury Council

By: Sudbury Matt

To our vaunted elected officials, why are you not listening to the people? Why is it that some of you are so focused on spending hundreds of millions of dollars of tax payer money like it is nothing, when there is over half a billion dollars in capital spending that needs to be spent on infrastructure. Spending money just for the sake of spending it is ridiculous. Yes, if we don’t use the Provincial and Federal money allocated for this, some other Municipality will get it. That is OK, there is nothing wrong with that they may need it. We do not need that money for this project because this project is a waste of money. It will put this city so far into debt and deficit that we will be like Detroit.
What we need from our elected officials is a commitment to properly fund the $700 million dollars in capital infrastructure spending and bring our current roads, water and other infrastructure up to the proper standard. Being over half a billion dollars behind on infrastructure spending means this council has no right to spend hundreds of millions more on roads that are not critically needed.
Stop wasting our money and time and start doing what is right.
-Sudbury Matt


Sudbury Matt writes a blog about issues affecting Greater Sudbury.



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